The Adventure Starts Here

The concept of adventure can hold different meanings for each individual. Sure, we may not be slaying dragons or rescuing damsels in distress, but we still crave a bit of excitement in our lives, a way to broaden our own horizons and see what the world has to offer. Some folks might satisfy that urge by jetting off to foreign countries, while others might try a new hobby or new career.  

This urge to explore new places, try new things, and connect with new people is a fundamental part of our lives and a fundamental part of Red Family Photo, my personal adventure.

And with every adventure, there is one universal rule: they all must have a beginning. Every adventure has a starting point. The point in time that the adventure stops being a thought or a dream and instead becomes a very real thing.

Hi, I’m Jordan.

During the week I'm a full-time IT professional. I sit behind computer screens writing code and sifting through massive amounts of data to find ways to automate and improve computer networks. 

On the weekend though, that all changes. 

I cast aside my identity as Jordan the Computer Nerd and become Jordan the Photographer: a sneaky trail ninja hiding in the brush armed with his trusty camera and faithful e-bike in search of the perfect shot.

 I originally started riding mountain bikes in high school, but like so many of us, after graduation I was introduced to the real world. A full-time job, financial responsibilities, and family took over most of my waking hours. Mountain bikes just sort of fell by the wayside. 

That is, until 2018.

Around that time, some friends of mine started riding again and it didn’t take much to convince me to get back on the bike.

I haven’t looked back since. It only took one ride before I was completely addicted. 

The rush of going faster and faster down the trail. The victory of finally clearing the jump, drop, or technical feature that challenges you to push past your own limits. Most of all I’m in love with the amazing community that makes this sport so special no matter where you go. 

It’s a Family.

Feel free to picture the Vin Diesel meme here. In fact, here you go, just to help you out.

But seriously though, this community is like a family to me. Time and time again, I’ve been asked what the “family” in Red Family Photo means. To answer, I’d like to share a story from my first enduro race.

 It was day one of the Zombie Goat Enduro Race in Comfort, Texas. From the top of stage one on race day, I shook with nervous energy as I waited to get started. But as luck would have it, my front tire got slashed by a rock not long after leaving the starting gate. With no spare tires on hand and nowhere to buy one from anywhere close by, finishing my stages was about to get a lot more difficult.

That is until a fellow racer, who I had just met that morning, came to my rescue like a knight on his carbon fiber steed.

He had a spare Maxxis tire at camp that he kindly offered to me without hesitation. We were competitors in the same race, but he didn't care. His only thought was to help a fellow rider and get me back in the race. He even refused payment for it.

Honestly, I think everyone who's ever been to a mountain bike race can relate to this kind of story. Next time you go to the bike park with your friends or attend a race, take a good look at those around you. What you will see are brothers and sisters that share your same addiction. It's the undeniable camaraderie of the sport, and it's why we keep coming back for more.

Weapon of Choice: Camera.

Races like that were also the birthplace of my dream to become an MTB photographer.

Imagine being able to travel to amazing places where people who are just as passionate as me, if not more so, race their mountain bikes. I realized that I wanted to find a way to capture the stories and memories like my time at Zombie Goat.

But the real magic happens after the pictures are posted on social media. Whenever you see a shot of someone riding their bike, be it a picture I took or anyone else, the comments section comes alive. There is so much praise, admiration, and amazing stories shared that it's impossible not to feel pride in what I do.

Being an MTB photographer means I get to witness riders pushing themselves to new heights, and what I love more than anything is seeing that success celebrated with the rest of the community.

What Comes Next

While I can never be sure what the future has in store for me, I’m sure of one thing: I know that this is what I want to do for as long as I can do it. I know that I want to use my work to capture memories for others. And I know without a doubt that I want to find ways to give back to the sport and community that has given so much to me.

So what comes next? Well, that’s part of the fun of a grand adventure, isn’t it? 

This post marks the beginning of an exciting new journey for me as I continue to pursue my goals and embrace new experiences. I want to share my journey with others and I want to do that in a way that allows me to look back on all the small adventures that show me how far I’ve come. More importantly, I hope to share the stories of other people that I meet along the way.

Who knows, maybe one day my children or grandchildren will stumble upon this and it will bring a smile to their faces or inspire them to take a chance on their far-fetched dreams and turn them into epic adventures of their own.

See you on the trail, my friends. I'll be the guy behind the lens cheering you on and reminding you to pedal!


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