One Year Later: The Adventure Continues

May 25th, 2023. 

That date probably doesn't mean much of anything to most people. But for Red Family Photo, that is the date that this website launched. And when the site officially launched it did so with a single blog post - The Adventure Starts Here

In that blog post, I talk about photography and Red Family Photo as my personal adventure – a way for me to broaden my own horizons and explore more of what the world has to offer. With its one-year anniversary coming up in a few short weeks, what better time to look back on how that’s going. 

As of writing this, I have worked over 150 events as a photographer since I started in 2021. These events have taken me all over Texas as well as Oklahoma, Arkansas and New Mexico. Later this year, they will take me even further into Idaho and Florida! 

I’ve also started branching out from mountain biking photography and started doing family portraits, graduates, weddings, concerts and recently even wrestling, as well as doing some video work

Why would you want to do all sorts of photography like that, Jordan?

I hear you and maybe it seems crazy. When I look around at other photographers and see their work online, I notice that many of them find a niche to work in and stick to it. In doing so, they get to streamline their process and, frankly, it’s pretty lucrative to run a photography business that way.

But the reason I like to branch out into other forms of photography is simple –  I don’t believe that anyone is ever truly done learning. 

As I mentioned, I have shot a lot of mountain biking and other cycling-related events. And don’t get me wrong, I love it. But when you do the same thing day in and day out, it can start to feel routine. You’ve found what works and it’s really easy to just stick to that.

I never want to be that person. 

Every Session is a Learning Opportunity 

Venturing into new (to me) forms of photography gives me a chance to experiment with new ways of using my camera and learn how to work in a variety of situations. 

For example, going to a NEFFEX concert and a wrestling match gave me a chance to work in low-light environments, while also being a reminder of how much being a good photographer is about being in the right place at the right time. 

This knowledge translates into work with family portraits and weddings, where the focus is on using photography to capture emotion and personality, to tell the story of a couple or a family in a single moment.

Whenever I learn a new technique or trick, it can almost always be applied to other forms of photography, making every aspect of my work better and making me a better photographer.

And not only am I broadening my photography knowledge, but I get to meet people and experience things that I otherwise never would have been a part of.

If I Weren’t a Photographer…

I likely never would have gone to a DFW All Pro Wrestling match. I went into the event not really having much interest in wrestling and left with a new appreciation for the spectacle and the storytelling. 

I wouldn’t have attended so many weddings in the past year. Weddings have a unique energy unlike any other event. Part of it is the romance and the affection between the bride and groom, of course. But another part is the sense of a new beginning, a start to a new chapter.

And I would not have met some incredible young athletes through Texas NICA, several of them high school seniors that I’ve worked with for their graduation photos. These shoots are all about showing who they are as they step into adulthood, and I couldn’t be more proud to work with them and their families.

What Comes Next: Part 2

In the past year, my camera has allowed me to experience so many things I otherwise would not have and I could not be more thankful for these opportunities (also full access to concerts and sporting events for free and often with the best view in the house one of those perks that keeps you coming back for more).

I have no idea what the next year has in store, but I know that I am excited to find out and come back here to share the stories of the places I go and the people I meet.

And I know that none of this would be possible with the community that I am surrounded by. Your support allows me to pursue my passion and go on journeys I never thought possible. I'm looking forward to putting the camera to work more than ever and hopefully finding myself in new photography situations to explore.


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Sugarland Classic